Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness
and Mental Health
Impact began working with the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH) in 2012 and were faced with the challenge to make mental health THE health topic of the day. For too long, it felt like mental health was considered of less importance than physical health and Impact was challenged to increase the profile and develop a greater understanding amongst the public and decision makers about the pressing issue of mental illness. Impact developed an ambitious strategy to take the mental health conversation to new heights through public engagement and a fulsome public relations strategy.
Through the production of video clips, printed resource material and a consistently engaged social media campaign, CAMIMH has become a go-to resource for mental health direction in Canada by the Federal Government, mental health stakeholders and the public.
The media landscape is now dominated by the importance of mental health and hundreds of news stories have been earned on networks such as CTV’s Power Play, Canada AM, Maclean’s, CBC’s All in a Day, Huffington Post, The Hill Times and more. The stories include live broadcasts from the Champions of Mental Health awards gala and real stories of Canadians living with mental illness to the forefront through the Faces of Mental Illness campaign.
The campaigns have earned the support of many prominent Canadians such as Michael Landsberg, Valerie Pringle, Rick Mercer, Sean McCann and The Governor General of Canada, David Johnston.
Successfully advocated for the creation of the Mental Health Commission of Canada, and for the latest 10-year renewal of its mandate and funding in 2016.
It has also advocated strongly for enhanced federal investments in mental health care and coverage for the millions of Canadians who need and lack it. The 2016/2017 health accord with the provinces and territories includes $5 billion in new mental health investments and all provincial and territorial governments have signed on to this new framework.